Abba’s Delight was founded in April 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky by Daniel Mingo, the Ministry Director. It is a Christian, Biblically based ministry, inter-denominational in nature. As a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, Abba’s Delight seeks to be funded by donations from churches, individuals, businesses, and from ministry service fees.
The ministry serves the Louisville, KY and Southern IN areas, and beyond. Abba’s Delight was established to provide ministry opportunities through a relationship with Jesus Christ and His church to those who are sexually broken. Though the ministry’s main focus is towards those who initiate contact with us dealing with unwanted same gender attractions, we are equipped and experienced in working with heterosexual brokenness as well.
Combining God the Father’s love of His children with a program of structured learning, teaching, accountability and interpersonal relationships within the Body of Christ, Abba’s Delight provides a foundation for healing, maturity and sexual purity to those struggling with unwanted same sex attractions, as well as those in heterosexual turmoil. Finding their lifestyles incompatible with Biblical teaching on sexuality, participants in Abba’s Delight desire to align themselves with their understanding of Father’s intended will for their lives so that they can learn to function as mature and productive citizens of the Kingdom of God and the state.
Additionally, Abba’s Delight is equipped to minister to spouses, parents, families, and friends of loved ones who are caught in the snare of sexual immorality.
Pastors and churches can benefit from the experience of the staff in educating themselves to be equipped to reach out to these wounded souls, and to provide for them a safe and welcoming environment within their own congregations, fostering growth and maturity in their Christian walk.
Our Message
The bottom line of Abba’s Delight’s message is that God loves you, and has an extraordinary desire to be in a close, intimate relationship with you as His son or daughter.
Contrary to what you may have felt or heard in your life, even if it came from those within the Church, God does not hate you. You being gay, having same-sex attractions– whether you have acted on them or not, or you being a spouse/family member whose life has been impacted by homosexuality and/or sexual addiction, is not a deal breaker that would keep you from being loved by Him. Nothing at all can separate you from Father’s love!
Yet, just because you cannot be separated from His love, that doesn’t mean He approves of your sinful behaviors. Someone once said, “God’s love is unconditional; His approval is not.” Note that I said sinful behaviors. God loves you just the way you are at this moment, but He doesn’t want to leave you that way. Jesus died for your sins, but to also bring healing to your life. Let God’s love transform your life so that you can begin the journey of becoming all He desires you to be.
Our Name
Many times I have been asked about the name Abba’s Delight, where it came from or how was it chosen for the ministry. It is actually a name that the Lord laid on my heart when I was establishing the ministry. I was seeking Him for a name that would convey His heart to those whose lives are impacted, either directly or indirectly, by homosexuality.
Because of the unfortunate message from factions of the Church to the gay community and to those who face homosexuality in their lives, that God hates them, I wanted a name that would address with a truthful message how Father really does feel towards them. Thus, the name Abba’s Delight!
Abba means “Daddy.” Daddy’s Delight!
Shortly after the name was chosen and the ministry was up and running, the Lord gave me the “tagline” for Abba’s Delight out of Psalm 18:19b, “He rescued me, because He delighted in me.”