A Prayer for Sex Addicts
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. And the world is passing away, and also its lusts;but the one who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:16,17
This month’s article is pulled from the archives, first appearing in August 2017. Today, with self-isolating still a very real part of our lives worldwide, we havesuch a possibility for much idle time. For those who battle with sexual sin, idle time is our enemy. I pulled this article to take a fresh look at its prayer, and with a fresh title. Oh God, I thank You that You love me, even when I choose my will over what I know is Your will. I thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus, offering salvation to a fallen world. I thank You that You’ve said in Your word that nothing created can separate me from Your love. I thank You that You know my heart and my thoughts, and You still love me. I thank You that You desire for me to surrender the wickedness that is in me, that I might live as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I thank You that Your Spirit is ever with me and in me and that I am never out of Your presence.
I praise You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I praise You for Your wonderful works, and that You have ordered and numbered my days to serve You. I praise You as God, Father, King, Creator, Savior, Redeemer, Holy Ghost, and Deliverer.
God, You know my heart is to please You with my life. You know my desire is to show my love for You by being obedient to Your word, which tells me to flee sexual immorality. In this, I have sinned repeatedly against You and Your will for me. I have chosen my own way over Your known path for me. I understand You have chosen that path out of Your love for me, yet I have rejected and strayed from Your way time and time again. Please forgive my pride and arrogance, thinking my way will bring me something better than You. Please forgive me for giving in to the lust of the flesh, rather than dying daily to my flesh, as You tell me to make no provision for it in regard to its lusts. Please forgive me for ignoring the way out of these temptations that You provide in every situation. Please forgive me for not utilizing the tools You have provided me for escaping those temptations. I repent of my sins and I pray that my repentance will be true and genuine, and that I will see repentance as a way of life, not as a destination.
Father, I ask that You help me in surrendering my will to Yours. Please help me see that